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Showing posts from June, 2020

A Nero Wolfe Mystery

One of my lockdown rediscoveries was the 2001-2002 series, A Nero Wolf Mystery . The series of twenty episodes was made for A&E and adapted Rex Stout’s novels and novellas written between 1940 and 1966. The eponymous Nero Wolfe is a 300-pound detective and orchid-grower with a taste for gourmet food. He is also distinguished by his bare tolerance of other people and the fact that he seldom ventures from his New York brownstone. Nevertheless, as the greatest detective in the world, his doorbell and telephone are always ringing, while his excesses are kept in check by his right-hand man, Archie Goodwin. There are several features that distinguish this series (which one can see blurry versions of on YouTube) or download elsewhere. The stories are set in an amorphous time, probably in the mid-1950s, but there are many 1940s vehicles still on the streets, and many anachronisms. However, these do not detract or even jar, such is the slickness of the production design. This ...

Changes to Mount Rushmore to Remove Slave Owners

KEYSTONE, SD – In response to the removal of statues of slave traders, imperialists and Confederates, plans are underway for a major face-lift at Mount Rushmore. Recognising that both Washington and Jefferson were slave owners, their removal reflects the new awareness of public sensitivities.  While the actual re-carving of will be a lengthy process, the early signs are that choosing who should replace the two disgraced presidents could take even longer. Wilbur Johnson of the National Parks Service commented, “Back when the original statues were carved, there was scant regard for health and safety procedures. Today, sophisticated scaffolding on a massive scale is needed for the work to be compliant.” There aren’t many companies who could do this, but a leading contender would be   Eiffel Constructions métalliques   which already has connections with American monuments, having done the internal structure of the Statue of Liberty. Among the proposed re...

Stick to your guns, J K Rowling

I'd like to express support for J K Rowling's right to express her thoughts - on anything - if they are considered, based on her experience and not motivated by hate, fear, or a desire to cause harm. We each find the world as we find the world. Better people think about things they find. The best try to improve the human condition. Let me say now that my interest in LGBT matters is about the same as my interest in the Balinese copra trade of the thirteenth century, but I don't think sex sexual preferences should be the basis of discrimination. J K Rowling is the target of the Schadenfreude Stasi for no legitimate reason. Free societies enable their residents to express personal opinions, and that is all that she has done. The problem goes back to the observation made many year ago by William F. Buckley, Jr. when he noted: Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views. The intole...

2020 Hasn't Turned Out Quite as Planned . . .

I had promised readers a new novel for July 4th. It's nearly there, but like many things this year, it will happen later than expected. As compensation for readers who find themselves with more time than expected, a new collection of short stories should be appearing before the summer's over. Thoughts and Whispers is a collection of ten more "undivulged crimes" tales, and like the previous collection, the stories are about historic and modern events set in both Europe and the United States. This summer may see the publication of another novel by Ian Thomson, A Dish of Apricots . He writes that the book is nearly finished. His three previous novels were excellent and the sections of Apricots previewed on his Facebook page promise another rewarding read. A J Kohler's recently published fantasy novel,   Tales of the Rhadamantha: Vol. 1--Amaranna ,    is a great kick-off to a series. While fantasy novels aren't really my thing, the tough-cop-dragged-into-...