I recently flew back from France. It was a quick flight on a BA A320 and very smooth and comfortable. However, it made me think that there are a number of things about flying that are very badly thought out. 1. Boarding . Planes board by group and perversely, the first to board (apart from the very old and the very young)are those sitting at the front of the plane. That way, they can be in the way of Group 2, and both can be in the way of Group 3 so that by the time Group 4 gets on board, it takes half the scheduled flight time to crawl over and around the first three groups and their baggage to reach one's seat. Now, I know that this is something to do with putting too much weight at the back of the plane while the front is empty, but it seems to me that the designers of something that weighs 575 tons (A380) and cruises at Mach 0.85 could sort out a way of boarding more sensibly - perhaps using a rear door. 2. Baggage .Why is it that if you arrive at the airport in good ti...